Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursdays Meals

For breakfast I tried waffles again, this time with mainly buckwheat flour, a little of brown rice, then added flax, oat bran, and hemp protein (which turns things green by the way).  I used agave, half EV olive oil, half coconut oil but cut the overall oil the recipe called for in half.  Once again the kids didn't notice a thing and no syrup was necessary as long as you have all the fresh summer fruit to top it off with!  For lunch we were in a hurry so I combined cottage cheese, plain greek yogurt, walnuts, flax and oat bran again together in a bowl with more fruit.  I didn't get any veggies in which was a bummer but it held me over for a good 4 hrs with out a problem.  Here is dinner:

I call this a date night meal.  The Talapia comes seasoned from Costco and then I used tortellini and good old marinara sauce from a jar but its still better than going out to eat or grabbing a Little Caesars pizza which I would have done in the past on a really busy day like today.  So, it isn't as great as if I had made it all myself but its better than the alternatives and the kids fight over the Talapia which always makes me smile.  The salad though--I loved it.  I added spinach, kale, romaine and bok choy, then sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, strawberry slices, and dried cranberries. The contrast of the bitter kale and bok choy with fruit was perfect.  Lucy wasn't a fan of the bok choy and Liberty not a fan of the uncooked Kale but you can't give up on the first try, right?  Its good to have some leafy greens again though.  Still haven't finished my pantry and I got some more good things to try from Costco today so hopefully I will have more updates soon.

Oh side note, I knew I would be gone for about 4-5 hrs this afternoon and usually will throw in a Zone bar if I will be gone that long.  They aren't the best or the worst protein bar out there but since I am trying to eliminate non-whole-foods, I decided to try just bringing a banana (they come in their own nifty packaging) today in case I got low.  When I get low I need quick sugar and isn't that what a banana is --plus fiber?  It did the trick on the drive home, without all the other garbage in a packaged bar.  No protein so not the perfect option, but worked today!

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